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Type-Friendly middleware library


# via npm
npm install --save farrow-pipeline
# via yarn
yarn add farrow-pipeline


import {
createContext, // create injectable context
createContainer, // create context container
createPipeline, // create pipeline
usePipeline, // farrow-hooks for using pipeline in another pipeline's middleware
} from 'farrow-pipeline'

createPipeline<I, O>(options?: PipelineOptions) => Pipeline<I, O>#

create a pipeline

// contexts for injecting to the pipeline
type PipelineOptions = {
contexts?: ContextStorage
type Pipeline<I = unknown, O = unknown> = {
// add middlewares to pipeline and return pipeline
use: (...inputs: MiddlewareInput<I, O>[]) => Pipeline<I, O>
// run a pipeline by input and received its output
run: (input: I, options?: RunPipelineOptions<I, O>) => O
// pipeline.middleware can use in another pipeline.use(...) if their type is matched
middleware: Middleware<I, O>
type RunPipelineOptions<I = unknown, O = unknown> = {
// container which store some contexts.if container is not given, pipeline will use its internal container
container?: Container
// if all middleware called next, then onLast would be called
onLast?: (input: I) => O
const pipeline = createPipeline<number, number[]>()
pipeline.use((input, next) => {
return [input,, 3]
pipeline.use((input) => {
return [input, 2]
let result = // [0, 1, 2, 3]

createContext<T>(defaultValue: T): Context<T>#

create a injectable context

createContext is like React.createContext, we can use it injecting anything we want, and access Context in any middleware or custom-hooks function.

type Context<T = any> = {
id: symbol
[ContextSymbol]: T
// create a new context equipped a new value
create: (value: T) => Context<T>
// get context ref { value } for accessing context in current container of pipeline
use: () => {
value: T
// get context value
get: () => T
// set context value
set: (value: T) => void
// assert context value is not null or undefined and return context value
assert: () => Exclude<T, undefined | null>
const Context0 = createContext(0)
const pipeline = createPipeline<number, number>({
contexts: {
// inject Context0 equipped 10 into pipeline
context0: Context0.create(10),
pipeline.use((input, next) => {
return next(input) + Context0.get()
pipeline.use((input) => {
Context0.set(Context0.get() + 1)
return input
let result0 = // return 21
let result1 = // return 31

createContainer(contexts?: ContextStorage): Container#

create a container to manage contexts

type ContextStorage = {
[key: string]: Context
type Container = {
// read current value of Context
read: <V>(Context: Context<V>) => V
// write current value of Context
write: <V>(Context: Context<V>, value: V) => void
const Context0 = createContext(0)
const Context1 = createContext<number[]>([])
const container = createContainer({
context0: Context0.create(10),
context1: Context1.create([10]),
}) // 10 // [10]
container.write(Context0, 1)
container.write(Context1, [11]) // 1 // [11]
const pipeline = createPipeline<number, number>(), {
// use container to replace pipeline's internal container
container: container,
// accessing value of Context0/Context1 after // current value of Context0 // current value of Context1